Thursday, June 25, 2015


Moving Element # 1 - rotating cubic rooms.
*update* comp labs tables are changed to just plain round tables without the what-i-call: 'face barriers'
Stair view from the inside
Moving Element #2 - located on the left side, extending roof over the area for wet weather. The area below will also be re-made into a quad-like area.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Design 2

Edited a little bit more on the structures from the last design.
One of the moving elements is the extendable roof between sports centre and the square house during rainy weather. The other element would be the smaller cubic stacks that can be rotated on the spot for solar gain and natural light.

More details of the structure is still in progress.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mash Up

Orange Article
Green Article
Blue Article

Imaginative play can engage residents to recognize and to stake a claim in the urban planning and design process.  The breakdown of the human adaptation of architecture can be traced to the kids' ceaseless projects that is bringing play into planning. It’s demonstrating the new ways in which forced conceptual separation of ornament from function, a relatively recent occurrence in human ideas had merit. The appetite for the new influence of the object or place has on the user is part of its function. A community's imagination of ornament and function can lead to remarkable outcomes.  There is no structure in nature that can be classified as pure ornament without function. Architecture is constantly projecting, speculating and theorising. The future is right now and we want to present what it looks like.

18 Perspectives


Obscured levitated space
Infinite one direction
unconventional balance of mass


Challenge of fixated structures 
Complication of simplicity
Separation of combination


Sturdiness with a touch of elegance
Grand relation of hierarchy 
Horizontal meets the vertical space


Levels of sophisticated arrangements
Accumulation of systems 
Coming towards one purpose


Deliberated positioning of space
Movement of spatial relations 
Small connection for big ideas


Steps to unity
Integration of differences 
Exemplification of contrasting shapes

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Interconnection 2 Draft

This is interconnection of Libskind 4 and Hans 4.
= Randomness are spawned from the same centre, thus everything is related to one whole
= History spirals into different stories but unravels itself as one interconnected whole through time.

I wanted to arrange the shapes that are scattered and points to different directions as individual shapes, but would have a single direction as a whole. I feel that the marker is getting a bit too large to a point that it looks like a series of interconnected buildings. Some of the blocks seems to have no purpose in supporting the concept and seems out of place. Also, I'm not sure if expanding over two possible location is alright.

Interconnection 1 Draft

This interconnection is from libeskind 1 and hans 1.
= Simple forms intertwined together creates complex spaces that displays a contrasting interconnection.
= The gift of technology evolves simple structures into complicated spaces that were once impossible.

I wanted to create overhangs that would seem impossible to create, and also spaces that are created by simple surfaces.

36 Textures

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

SketchUp Drafts of Interconnected Models

A quick combination of the models done in previous parallel projections.
The 3 pairs of models included.

6 Parallel Projections

Libskind - Interwoven forms creating layered space
+ Hans - Contrast and Connectedness
= Simple forms intertwined together creates complex spaces that displays a contrasting interconnection.
= The gift of technology evolves simple structures into complicated spaces that were once impossible.

Libskind - Spontaneity in Configuration
+ Hans - Centripetal and Centrifugal
= Randomness are spawned from the same centre, thus everything is related to one whole
= History spirals into different stories but unravels itself as one interconnected whole through time.

Libskind - Light and Directionality
+ Hans - Contradiction between internal & External
= Spatial Relations in Layer. The experiences of different spaces directs one to understand the contrast and appreciate the common grounds of spatial relations.
Racial differences coexists with parallel similarity.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Importing on Lumion

Installed Lumion on my desktop computer but it was really laggy and by the time I saved the second photo, it froze already. So, Fraps was out of the question.
Most likely need to use the FBE computers for the upcoming tasks.

12 Axonometric

Hans 1 - Contrast and Connectedness

Hans 4 - Centripetal and Centrifugal

Hans 5 - Contradiction between Internal and External

Libeskind 1 - Interwoven forms creating layered space

Libeskind 3 - Light and Directionality

Libeskind 5 - Challenge Perception of Verticality