
Libskind - Spontaneity in Configuration
+ Hans - Centripetal and Centrifugal
= Randomness are spawned from thesame centre, thus everything is related to one whole
= History spirals into different stories but unravels itself as one interconnected whole through time.


The marker is situated just by the intersection of the two highways, near the baseball fields. In reference to the concept of history, the general idea of the marker is to have an arrangement of  shapes that are scattered and have different directions as individual shapes, but would have a single direction as a whole.

 View from highway

The marker extends over the highway, in particular there is a void space that allows a view through the marker. This is designed to simulate a frame like a photograph, representing memories - a fragment of history.


The concept is to have opposite interpretation of history and time. The irregular vectors portrays the confusion of history as human have different opinions and thoughts of what is perceived to be history. At times, they overlap but each line has a different direction. On the other side, there would be the angular forms opposite the void area. It is spaced evenly, and wraps itself around the edge. This simple design represents a timeline of actual history. Together these two forms of details shows parallel relationship of contradiction between objective and subjective history. However, as a whole they all have a single direction through time.

Viewing Area

The viewing area allows sightseeing over and beyond the highway. The curved glass allows people to be positioned in an internal space but still feel the external weather and environment.

Cafe & Bar

The cafe interior is curvilinear and provides a spacious view over the sports park. This is perfect for relaxation and functions. 

SketchUp Model

Note: sketchup model is scaled down

Lumion File


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