Light to Dark

Textures in Marker
Concept of marker:
History spirals into different stories but unravels itself as one interconnected whole through time.


The texture complements the surface of this particular curved surface. It emphasize the cracks, and highlights idea of fragmentation. This portrays the human's perception of history, where stories are merely fragments of memories combined together to create a whole.


Similarly, this rigid texture reminds us that human history may have flaws, there are positive and negative, as well as a combination of both. This is used in the supporting column of the marker as it is one of the inevitable facts of history.


 The pattern of the texture symbolizes a leaf, and can also be interpreted as flames. This can be interpreted as bushfire, common in Australia. These two contrasting elements is ironic, thus emphasizing how history can also be personal and subjective. This is used in the other supporting column as personal interpretations inevitably alters history as well.

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