Wednesday, April 29, 2015

6 Parallel Projections

Libskind - Interwoven forms creating layered space
+ Hans - Contrast and Connectedness
= Simple forms intertwined together creates complex spaces that displays a contrasting interconnection.
= The gift of technology evolves simple structures into complicated spaces that were once impossible.

Libskind - Spontaneity in Configuration
+ Hans - Centripetal and Centrifugal
= Randomness are spawned from the same centre, thus everything is related to one whole
= History spirals into different stories but unravels itself as one interconnected whole through time.

Libskind - Light and Directionality
+ Hans - Contradiction between internal & External
= Spatial Relations in Layer. The experiences of different spaces directs one to understand the contrast and appreciate the common grounds of spatial relations.
Racial differences coexists with parallel similarity.

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