Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Interconnection 2 Draft

This is interconnection of Libskind 4 and Hans 4.
= Randomness are spawned from the same centre, thus everything is related to one whole
= History spirals into different stories but unravels itself as one interconnected whole through time.

I wanted to arrange the shapes that are scattered and points to different directions as individual shapes, but would have a single direction as a whole. I feel that the marker is getting a bit too large to a point that it looks like a series of interconnected buildings. Some of the blocks seems to have no purpose in supporting the concept and seems out of place. Also, I'm not sure if expanding over two possible location is alright.


  1. I think there's a more evocative and consistent language when viewed from certain angles, the marker starts from the ground and tapers up to the air so play on that notion if you further develop this. And yes watch the scales.

    1. I'll try and play around with it again with that in mind.
      What do you think of Draft 1?
